98th metaPhorest セミナー : "古代の知性で記憶を紡ぐ" with 福原志穂 & Awu Chen
Waseda TWIns & ONLINE
This seminar will be held at Waseda TWIns & online. Zoom Link
We are glad to announce to have a joint seminar by an outstanding digital/craft creator, Awu Chen (CEO, SOOOUL) and our long-term member, Shiho Fukuhara (Human Awesome Error), entitled "Weaving memories with Ancient Intelligence"!
Awu Chen and Shiho Fukuhara are presenting talks on the intersection of craftsmanship, memory, and the potential of developing craft-centric AI and interactive materials. What implications will these technologies have for social interaction? Please join!!
Awu will talk in English, and Shiho in Japanese. Shiho will help some translation if necessary. You can easily ask any questions in both languages. Primarily it will be in person meeting, while we will prepare online zoom livestreaming. However, due to facility issue, the quality of the video may not be good. We appreciate your understanding.
Awu Chen について
Awu Chen is a digital craftsman focused on preserving cultural and spatial memories at the intersection of art, technology, and storytelling. His work explores the delicate relationship between tradition and innovation, leading to collaborations with master craftsmen in Japan.
Awu holds a degree in Interactive Media & Games from USC and is the technical founder of SOOOUL, a startup that bridges generative AI with traditional craftsmanship. His startup was recently featured in a Harvard Business Review case study for its innovative approach to cultural preservation through AI.
Awu envisions a future where AI, trained on human memories, can develop empathy and contribute to the preservation of humanity’s cultural heritage. He recently shared this vision at MIT's Decentralized AI Summit, where he discussed the potential of building a craft-centric AI.
これと並行して、Shihoはテクノロジーを日用品に織り込んで見えなくする方法を開発してきた。インタラクティブなソフトマテリアルに関する彼女の研究は、私たちが物理的・デジタル的環境とどのように相互作用するかを理解しようとするものである。彼女はGoogle ATAPのProject Jacquardの創設メンバーであり、2023年にチームが閉鎖されるまで、技術統合の研究開発を主導した。 現在はHuman Awesome Errorのメンバーであり、京都のPoiesis Labsの創設者でもある。乳がんと「共同生活」をしながら、社会と物質の相互作用を探求し続け、エラーを社会変革のポジティブな触媒として捉えている。