106th metaPhorest seminar by Dr.Perig Pitrou
Thursday, February 20th, 2025, 19:00-21:00 2025年2月20日(金)19:00-21:00
English below: 第106回 metaPhorest Seminar ゲスト:ペリ・ピトロー博士(人類学者、CNRS、コレージュ・ド・フランス)"What Humans Do with Life" 2025年2月20日(木)19-21時 早稲田大学先端生命医科学研究施設(TWIns)3F セミナールーム1 zoom(映像の画質は悪いので、なるたけ現地にお越しください)
次回2/20のmetaPhorestセミナーは、フランスから文化人類学者、Perig Pitrou博士(CNRS, コレージュ・ド・フランス)をお迎えします! Pitrouさんは、「さまざまな生物と人類の関係性」に関する人類学や哲学の研究を行い、バイオアートやバイオデザインの実践者と積極的に交流しながら精力的に活動してこられました。この分野にとって非常に貴重な研究者のお一人です。今回、京都での哲学の研究会の際に来日される機会を利用して、登壇して下さることになりました。とても気さくな方で、興味深い議論を聴けると思いますので、是非いらしてください。講演は英語で、同時通訳は用意できませんが、日本語での質問も受け付けます。
106th metaPhorest Seminar: "What Humans Do with Life" Dr. Perig Pitrou (Anthropologist, CNRS, Collège de France, PSL University) 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Thursday, February 20th, 2025. Seminar Room 1, 3rd Floor, Center for Advanced Biomedical Sciences (TWIns), Waseda University, 2-2 Wakamatsu, Shinjuku, Tokyo 162-0056
'Across the world, humans perceive life as a force that exerts its influence over living beings, driving processes such as growth, reproduction, aging, and death. In response, they develop techniques to domesticate living organisms, attempt to create artificial life forms, and establish social structures to interact with them. This talk, while introducing the field of the anthropology of life, will explore how these interactions with living beings and the forces of life are central to the practices of bioart.'
Dr. Perig Pitrou is Permanent Research Director, CNRS, Maison Française d’Oxford, Director of the team “Anthropology of Life”, Collège de France, PSL University.
The next metaPhorest seminar on February 20 will welcome Dr. Perig Pitrou (CNRS, Collège de France), a cultural anthropologist from France! Dr. Pitrou has conducted anthropological and philosophical research on “complicated relationship between various living organisms and humankind” and has worked extensively with practitioners of bioart and biodesign. On the opportunity of his visit to Japan to talk at a philosophical conference in Kyoto, he will kindly visit us to give this talk. He is a very friendly person and we are sure you will hear interesting discussions, so please come. The lecture will be given in English, and simultaneous interpretation will not be available, but questions in Japanese will be accepted.